Saturday, July 7, 2007

Busy Week!

We have had a lot going on in the Howell house over the past couple of weeks. Marshall IV and Jackson spent the past two weeks at Sports Camp in Chattanooga. The camp is at McCallie school, where three generations of Howell men graduated from high school.

Davis has ruled the house with his older brothers gone. They got back tonight and had a great time at camp. They both have grown up quite a bit this summer.

My sister, Sarah, was in from Dallas this weekend for a nice visit. They are possibly going to Coeur d'Alene next summer for family reunion and Ironman CDA. I miss having them all in Henderson year round. Jenny and I ran the Sebree, KY Firecracker 10K on July 4th. It was hillier than I remembered. Jenny finished with a PR and I managed to hang with the 20 and 30 year olds. I also managed to get in a few bike rides and swims this week, as I had a few days off from work.

This pic is after a "brick" work out on 7/5 consisting of a 40 mile solo ride, followed by a 10K run. It felt really good, but I definitely have the need for speed. I will be doing some training this summer and fall with some folks from the Southern Indiana Triathlon Club. Unfortunately, most of the long distance people are training for IM Louisville. Our schedules are going to be staggered, but hopefully, we can share a few long rides. It was so convenient training on the same schedule with Pete Hagen last summer. I guess I took that for granted. I am keeping up with Pete now via his blog and email since his family moved to Minneapolis this summer. They are greatly missed in our community and by my family. Pete has been such an inspiration to me. I plan to follow his lead and raise money for a local charity and incorporate it into my Ironman journey this year. Please check out Pete and Shannon's blog. You may have found my blog through theirs!

It's getting late, and I've got an early AM ride to get ready for .

Write on, MH


adam said...

Hey Dr. Howell,

If you ever need some company on a run, shoot me an e-mail. I start training for evansville mini on Mon 16th. I have taking some time off, but the juices are starting to flow. I'll try to keep up.

Adam Grogan (

Pete (Bib# 70) Hagen said...

I miss the hours too!! Who knew that those days would be, "remember the time when"? If that makes sense!

You need to see what John's up to for the biking, and Adam will take you to the next level in running :)